Den nye Vento™ 50-75 er de innovative pneumatiske enhetene spesielt designet og skapt av SIAT for å håndtere esker som er underfylte eller som har hull i delen som skal tapes for å unngå utilsiktede tapekutt og tapevedheft. Behandler forskjellige typer tape: PVC, PP, PAPIR i forskjellige størrelser fra 50 til 75 mm, noe som gjør at du kan maksimere produktiviteten ved å la linjehastigheten settes opp til 30 meter per minutt (100 fpm) og gir perfekte taperesultater.

The new Vento™ 50-75 are the innovative Pneumatic Units specifically designed and created by SIAT to handle boxes under-filled or that present holes in the part to be taped avoiding accidental tape cuts and tape adhesion compromission.
They process different types of tape: PVC, PP, PAPER on different sizes from 50 to 75 mm, enabling you to maximize productivity by allowing line speed to be set up to 30 meters per minute (100 fpm) offering perfect taping results.
- Innovative - under-filled and holed boxes management for a perfect tape adhesion
- Intelligent - disable tape cutting during taping operations to avoid accidental cutting
- Precise setting - fine adjustment of roller strength thanks to pneumatic cylinder connected to pressure regulator
- Easy maintenance - easy access to wear parts
- Device for the end/broken of the tape - for machine with logic it is possible to install a disk connected to the photocell that signals the end/broken of the tape.
- Filament tape kit - to process higher strength filament tapes